This is a regular question we get from customers, and it’s understandable—you’ve invested or are interested in installing a car wrap and want to know how much money you’ll get back or if it’s even worth it. On average, depending on the quality and type of materials used, a car wrap can last up to seven years. However, the lifespan of your vehicle wrap will depend upon a lot of factors, including sun exposure, weather conditions, washing frequency, and so on. 


Here’s our estimated longevity of car wraps based on the factors stated above:


  • Wraps don’t stay as long on vehicles that are driven every day and exposed to the sun. With this extent of wear and tear, the life expectancy could be as low as two years.


  • Even something as basic as parking in the shade will significantly extend the life of your vehicle wrap, bringing it to about three or four years. 


  • Wraps on vehicles that are used less frequently can last up to seven years. Wrap’s average lifespan is around five years under normal conditions.


When you’ve decided to invest in a car wrap, make sure to use the services of a professional. The longevity of automobile wraps is also determined by the two factors below.


  • The quality of the vehicle wraps being used – It’s crucial to remember that not all car wraps are created equal. Car wraps, like many other products on the market, differ in terms of quality, material, and price.


While price is not always an indicator of quality, however, low costs are usually indicative of low-quality goods. When looking for car covers for your business vehicles, focus on materials that provide great texture and durability at affordable pricing. If price isn’t an issue, top-tier vehicle wraps are always a good choice. Higher-quality car wraps may be more expensive at first, but because of their longer lifespans, they can end up being more cost-effective than the regular ones.


  • How it was installed – The quality of a car wrap is only as good as the installation. Even the best-quality car wraps won’t survive if they’re not placed properly. Rain, mud, and other foreign materials will collect under the wrap due to poor craftsmanship during the installation process. This can cause wrinkles and bubbles, which not only appear unattractive but also limit the longevity of your wraps.


Extending the lifespan of your vehicle wrap 


The best approach to extend the life of your vehicle wrap and get the most value out of your investment is to take proper care of it. Keeping your vehicle clean and parking in a garage or a shady place might help prevent damage to the wrap. Small bubbles might occur in the wrap after exposure to harsh temperatures or other extreme conditions, usually within the first several weeks. If you see bubbles like these, don’t press on them or try to mend them yourself. It’s preferable to return your vehicle to the place where it was wrapped and allow the installation pros to resolve the issue with a little heat.


To extend the life of your vinyl wrap car, follow these guidelines: 


  • Don’t try to install the vehicle wrap yourself – Every automobile is different, and DIY installs are more likely to result in bubbles, creases, and wrinkles.


  • Keep your vehicle clean – Regularly wash your car to prevent dirt and grime from eating away at the vinyl wrap graphics. 


  • Avoid the sun – If the car cover is exposed to the sun on a regular basis, its longevity will be significantly reduced. If possible, always park in a garage or in the shade.


Vehicle wraps are an excellent method to promote your company’s products and services. With a little extra care, they can always look excellent and endure a long time, making them a good investment for both large and small businesses. 

Contact us for additional information about car wrap care or to get a car wrap for your business vehicle. Our skilled team members will be happy to answer any queries you may have!

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